The B Brief, the column section for my opinions on fashion news+life+culture

Let's sit down and talk #ads

Let's sit down and talk #ads


At times I feel that blogging is sometimes a one-way conversation where there are elements of my work I don’t share.




Like any business, there’s information and conversations that stay off the blog and my wider audience. One of these things as the blog has grown is money and sponsored content. I had no real intention to write about this topic until I started planning my content for September and became quite self-conscious that a lot of my content is sponsored this month. Please rest assure I’m not seeing it as a bad thing and neither should you. Some of my best work has been created this month!

September has been one of those months where a few brands have got in touch all at once. It’s been a very busy month of travelling, shooting content and editing. But in contrast and to be honest with you, this summer has been pretty quiet for me.

I live at home with my parents one year on from university. I’m happy living at my family home and super grateful to be able to, however I do have a goal (dream) to move out by the time I’m 25. So somewhere in the back of my mind is the loitering *flat deposit*. This means that when a paid opportunity comes up, it can be tempting. But what’s so important… it has to be the right opportunity and that will always come first.

My quiet summer has been intentional in some ways. It could’ve been busy, but the jobs I was being approached for were not the right fit, including what would’ve been my ‘biggest’ job to date. I could be much closer to my flat ambitions, but this is something that simply has to wait. The thing I value most about the bloggers and creatives I follow is that they all put authenticity and honesty first. No trying to put square pegs in round holes and no forcing a piece of content. It either works or it doesn’t. Once you lose the trust you have with your audience, that’s it. Each post after that #ad you forced is questioned.

The most important values for me is authenticity and integrity. In an industry where your opinion is valued and trusted, as soon as you do something people feel isn’t you, your authenticity is lost. I’m accountable to you. I have an obligation to stay true to what I believe in. It’s because of you that I’m able to call this as my career and to take a job for a fee is wrong.

So rest assured, although September has been a month full of sponsored content, each one of those posts I can stand by and say wholeheartedly that I like the brand, the content I produced and that I’d happily work with each of them again. Thank you for continued support, Jordan.jbicon


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